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Deep tissue massage offers both physical and psychological benefits. It can relieve muscle pain and stiffness and provide stress-relieving relaxation for the body and mind.

Deep tissue massage helps with:

- Sports injuries & recovery

- Fibromyalgia

- Plantar fasciitis

- High blood pressure

- Sciatica

- Tennis elbow

It’s not unusual to have some side effects, lingering soreness for a few days following a deep tissue massage. Using a heating pad or a cold pack wrapped in a towel may help to relieve soreness.

Though massage therapy is generally safe, deep tissue massage uses very firm pressure and may not be safe for everyone.

Speak to your doctor before having a deep tissue massage if you:

- Have a history of blood clots or a clotting disorder

- Are taking blood thinners

- Have a bleeding disorder

- Have cancer or are undergoing cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy or radiation

Anyone with osteoporosis or cancer that’s spread to the bones should avoid deep tissue massage as the firm pressure used may cause a fracture. You should also hold off on deep tissue massages if you’re pregnant.

If you have an open wound or skin infection of any kind, you’ll need to reschedule to avoid developing a new infection or making an existing one worse.

Cupping can be a good treatment to combined with a deep tissue massage.

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